Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

If you wake up earlier than before, you can have a longer day. Also, if you do something early, you can get more chances than other people. If so, you are the early bird. Many things around me often make me lazy. In winter, I do not want to go outside from my worm and comfortable bed. Preparation for test is sometimes terrible. However, if you prepare and try to do some things in advance, you must be happy. Please be diligent! After arriving in Iowa City, I have been trying to get up early everyday. I usually get up at 6:00 and take a bus at 6:30. Then, I arrive at the Main library at 7:00. At that time, my heart is so full because I can do anything by using my extra time in the morning. The crisp air makes my heart light, and the calm atmosphere makes me comfortable. I usually get my energy in the morning. I always do something early. Sometimes this is really difficult. However, when I overcome my laziness, I feel so good. My life as an early bird will be desirable.


Ambrosio said...

yes... when you awake early you can have more time to do your duties!!! I used to awake early in Venezuela. Since I am in Iowa City the cold makes hard for me awaking every mourning.... i think that this is an acculturative challenge!!! ;-)

eunyoung's blog said...

Linda!you are really diligent person. I think after this semester you can achieve many thing you want to do in Korea. ^^

kelly said...

Yes, by Waking early in the morning , we can spend our day longer. Also, in the morning our concentration energy (?)on something is the best. I hope you will be an early bird wherever you live..

Maitha said...

It may be hard to wake up in the early morning especially in winter.. But you are an early bird!

Ayesha... said...

I feel my day is so long when i wake up in the early morning and then i can do everything without worring that i don't have time.

Rebecca K said...

I think it is a little harder to get up early when the morning is dark and cold. I tend to roll over after my alarm goes off and then get up later. ;) You are right, however, that getting up early allows more time to get things done!

This is the last blog. Thanks for sharing your ideas and blogging with me. It has been fun to get to know you a little more.

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